
Functional Probiotics Foundations: Step-by-Step
Solutions for Practitioners
At some point, each of your client’s problems
come down to digestion

You wish you could just hand them a bristol stool chart and a diet journal and they’d get better
You know if your clients aren’t digesting their food they will be nutrient depleted
You suspect your clients’ microflora lacks diversity and “good” bacteria
You know the connection between leaky gut and autoimmunity
How would it feel to look your clients in the eye and say “We’ve got this”
- To know in your heart that you have a proven system
- To always have a backup plan
- To understand so deeply how bacteria and digestion interact that you can think on your feet
- To be able to effortlessly adapt to your sensitive clients needs
- To be able to answer your clients questions with confidence
- To be truly authentic in your enrolment conversations because you know deep down that you
have tools and resources that can change your clients’ lives
If complex digestive cases give you butterflies in your stomach I’ve got your back
Functional Probiotics Foundations: Solutions for Practitioners
is the Detangling Spray for Digestive Distress
I give you my system for understanding and resolving microbial imbalances of the digestive tract, the same system that I used for developing Core Reset and customizing digestive programs for each of my clients
Functional Probiotics Foundations has 5 units. In each of the units you will find done-for-you resources, client assessments
and questionnaires, bacterial monographs and solutions that you can customize for your clients.

Let’s take a look inside the program
Unit 1
In the Beginning

1Key questions to ask your clients to get to the root causes confidently and compassionately
2Three things to add to your history questionnaire to uncover sources of opportunistic bacteria
3Done-for-you checklists so that you can be thorough and professional
4Done-for-you client questionnaires so that you can get the information you need up-front
5Interpreting the diet diary for the micro biome so that you can better trouble shoot what is going on behind the food intolerances
1Which testing to use and when so that you can save your clients money
2The most common bacteria and yeasts likely to be found on each test so you can know what to expect
3Interpreting the Ubiome test – is it useful?
4When to test for leaky gut
5When to test for food allergies
1Thyroid hormones and digestion – what is the connection?
2Depression and digestion – what are reasonable expectations?
3Exercise, posture and digestion – learn the connections so that you can better make the connections for your clients
4Water and digestion – be able to really nail the lifestyle piece so the people you work with can see its importance
5Sleep and digestion – how does sleep affect the micro biome and how to talk to your clients about it
6Nervous system and digestion – was it the chicken or the egg? What to do first…
Unit 2
Bacteria Hijacking Your Clients’ Digestion

1C. Diffic
5E. Coli
7More – learn about the metabolism of these bacteria and who their friends are so that you can create step-by-step plans for your clients
1Which bacteria live in the small intestine
2Which bacteria live in the large intestine
3How different are we all really?
4Those most likely involved in SIBO
5When are the bad guys good enough? How to love the bugs you’re with and work from where your clients start
6When to do which types of testing, when do you really need to know?
1Know which bacteria are affected by which interventions so that you can resolve imbalances left behind by herbs, pharmaceuticals and other “anti”-bacterials
2Learn why some bacteria survive antibiotics and others don’t so that your clients can understand WHY rebuilding the gut is so important
3Antibiotics – are they really so bad?
4Strategies for antibiotic resistant bugs
5Important considerations regarding herbs, essential oils, pharmaceuticals, tinctures and more so that you can reduce the risk for your clients
Unit 3
Yeasts Yanking Your Clients’ Chains

1Candida albicans – know why the diet doesn’t work and what is missing
2Cryptococcus neoformans – what even is this anyway?
3Penicillium Marneffei – learn about this and some other yeasts that may feel like Candida in the body but not show up on tests so that you can ask the right questions to avoid missing them
1Yeasts in the environment – Discover sources of yeast in your clients’ environment that could be keeping them feeling low even though they have changed their diets
2Yeasts in food – Find out why your clients react to some yeasty foods and whether avoiding mushrooms and nutritional yeast is actually a good idea
3Yeasts in the body – Find out if they really travel around the body and what to do about it
4Yeasts and Fungi – Find out if there is a difference and what the difference is
1Biofilm disruption 101 – Learn the easiest ways to deal with unhealthy biofilms to give your clients simple solutions
2Chitin – What’s that then?
3Herbal and Prescription Antifungals – Find out which ones work the quickest and which are the safest so that you can help your clients choose in as customized a way as possible
4Heavy metals – Learn the connection between metals and Candida and how to gently balance
5Minerals and Candida – Find out which minerals your clients really need and what they are missing
Unit 4
Notorious Troublemakers

3H. Pylori
4D. Fragilis
5B. Hominis
1Ideal Digestive Environments – Discover some of the underlying physical causes of digestive imbalance
2Organ Interactions – Discover which imbalances result from which weaknesses in the digestive tract
3Exposures – Discover where your clients most likely encountered their unhappy bugs and how to help them avoid further exposure
4Genetics and mucosal immunity – Learn how genetics can affect our digestive mucosa and how that interacts with three key families of digestive bacteria
1Learn when to deal with parasites and when to let them deal with themselves
2Combining parasitic and bacterial protocols, how to keep things simple
3Parasite Pitfalls – Learn the weaknesses of parasites and also the dangers of ongoing parasite cleanses to help your client make informed choices
4Specific Strategies – from the quick and dirty to the boutique, what are the real differences between parasite products
Unit 5
Putting it All Together

1Leveraging your efforts
2Considerations for your client – learn the simplest, gentlest approaches as well as the strongest ones so that you can work with the willingness of different people
3Order of interventions – Learn how to leverage your efforts to make things easier for the people you work with
4Order of interventions for high sensitivity – learn what to do when clients are very sensitive so that you can minimize detoxification symptoms
1A real life case #1
2A real life case #2
15 Digestive experts
2Raw vegan to paleo
7Western medicine
8Eastern medicine
9This is not a showdown but a supportive syndicate integrating the best of all approaches to
achieve a truly holistic perspective
To ensure your success integrating Functional Probiotics
Foundations into your practice you will also receive a discounted rate for consultation calls.

- Ask me anything about the modules so that you can get absolutely clear on the concepts and be ready to implement them with your clients
- Geek out on the Gut Bugs – come on it’s awesome!
- Get to know your colleagues and friends at the dawn of a revolution in health care
- Get 1 on 1 coaching and strategies – this is a great opportunity to speak directly and an excellent alternative to private coaching

“I love working with Steph and sometimes call her to confer about clients’ persistent digestive issues or for the latest news about the microbiome because I value her opinion. Steph has researched this topic more deeply than anyone else I know, and because her approach and her knowledge is so valuable to me I’ve invited her to speak at my live events and entrusted the care of several of my clients to her “
Dr Ritamarie
This Program Has the Ability to Transform Your
Services, and Ultimately, Your Clients
Before You Register for Functional Probiotics
Foundations There are a Few Things We Need to Get Straight:

- You will not succeed by simply taking my system and copying it. You will only succeed by entwining these new learnings into YOUR PERSPECTIVE and YOUR KNOWLEDGE because that is what your clients need
- You will need support to integrate these new learnings, they’re not just to keep you busy
- Functional Probiotics Foundations teaches you a framework through which you can understand bacterial and fungal imbalances so that as new information comes to light you will have a strong conceptual understanding and fluency with digestive bacteria no matter what!
- This field is constantly growing and evolving – hence the Functional Probiotics Syndicate to keep updated in the latest developments in the field, to share experiences and knowledge and to refer clients when one of us is full
- It takes time to learn and integrate new skills
- I will not teach you WHAT to think but HOW to think so that you can problem solve with probiotics
- I did not create this program for you to do something fun. I created this program for you to implement these strategies and resources with your clients as soon as possible
My Name is Steph and I Need You
I am not writing to you from behind a desk. I am writing to you from the real world where I have a waiting list practice of clients waiting for solutions. They have gone to the specialty clinics. They have followed the instructions of their medical practitioners. Many have paid thousands of dollars to find solutions and are still searching.
Many people have almost lost hope after years of searching for solutions. The saddest part for me is to know that the solutions are out there. I truly believe there is a solution for everything but it takes time to get to know each person 1-1 to really get to the root causes.
Solutions require listening, patience and perspective. Solutions require getting to know our clients, getting to know their environment within, getting to know their surroundings and history. Solutions require understanding the physical body, emotional body, the spiritual body. Solutions require biochemistry. Sometimes the answers are easy … from a certain point of view. And each of ours is unique.
I don’t have answers for some people that call me up. Maybe you do.
My Vision:

- Yoga and its effects on probiotic bacteria
- Laughter and its effects on probiotic bacteria
- Probiotic solutions for IBS
- Bacteria and the Brain
- Bacteria and Love Relationships
- Bacteria and Twins
- Mother-daughter Bacteria
- Healing Sjorgens through the microbiome
- Raw food and probiotics
- Wild food and probiotics
- Street food and probiotics
- YOUR specialty + probiotics
- Bacterial Product Development
The environment interacts with our microbiome and there is much work to be done. You can add something of value here.
I’ve shared my dream with you so that you can see WHY I am
doing this. Now check out my other WHY, our clients:

“As a Personal Trainer and Functional Nutrition Coach, I still struggled with bloating and food intolerance. Enrolling in the Core Reset Home Learning program enabled me to really dig deeper to discover the root cause of my digestive issues. Steph’s expertise, along with the weekly module content and questionnaires, helped me to discover that the H. Pylori test run by my doctor actually yielded a false negative result. My body has responded wonderfully to the diet, recipes, and healing protocols Steph recommends for H. Pylori in the CRHL program. ”
Jan Chamberlain

“Steph Jackson is a treasure! She is the master of all things bacterial, but with a wonderful twist. She doesn’t see them as the enemy to be conquered, but a part of us to be understood. Through her own learning, she has found ways to work with not only our microbes, but seeing how this relates to who we are as human beings. This is why I call her The Gut Whisperer.“
Lynn DeBuhr Johnson
Yes! I want to know more to sign up for Functional Probiotics Foundations
Functional Probiotics Foundations – Solutions for Practitioners

“If you want to get to the bottom of your health issues, you really need to check out Steph Jackson’s work. She can help you understand how these challenges can be related to imbalances in certain bacteria & how to remedy this. What makes her approach distinct is she helps you identify what issues are unique to your Microbiome. Two people might have similar health conditions, but different bacterial imbalances in their systems & thus each require a different solution to regain their health. I know I want to be working with someone who can zero in on that difference and can get to the bottom of things quickly!”
Michalene Casey

“If you want to know the deets on the microbiome, then Steph Jackson is your go-to-girl. She knows the critters that live amongst us and is the most knowledgeable teacher I have come across to both identify who’s take over in there and how to put them back in their place… or head ’em out and move ’em on. From her own personal experience and ongoing in depth study of this very central part of our body in our gut, she knows and generously shares more than any health professional that is termed “an expert” of which I have listened to many.“
Simone Heurich

“Believe me or not but this is very much based on reality. :D!!
Core Reset program and Stephanie’s method helped me to heal, not only my digestive system but also, what I would call a chronic “metabolic and hormonal mess with insomnia”-problem in my body. All that in a very short time. I learned about amazing essential oils, herbs and minerals, which I will certainly continue to use to heal myself. The program also introduced a variety of valuable information sources for better health and knowledge of how to heal body holistically. Thank you Stephanie.”
Katariina Majander,
When you use what you learned in Functional
Probiotics Foundations you can create step-by-step
unique and customized programs that take people
from point A to point B with confidence.
- Create your own customized Candida plans that are unique to you
- Create step-by-step systems for resistant bacteria
- Know what to ask right in the beginning
- Use done-for-you resources
- Be able to improvise with new clients and situations
Who Is a Good Fit for Functional Probiotics Foundations:
Solutions for Practitioners?
- Herbalists
- Health Coaches
- Yoga Teachers
- Chiropractors
- Naturopaths
- Energy Workers
- Fermentation Experts
- Nurses
- Feldenkrais Practitioners
- Health Experts
- Medical Practitioners
- Body Workers
- Nutrition Experts
- Fitness Trainers
- Essential Oil Experts
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to already have a practice?
-Nope. Let this program add to your area of expertise
How long will the program last?
-Five units, with three modules that you can self pace
How long will I have access?
-You will have access to this program as long as the site exists including program updates
How much time will this take?
-This will take approximately 90 minutes weekly if you do a module a week with the expectation that you will want to follow along in a dedicated space. You can also download the modules and take them with you for your run, drive or other activities.
I’m really confused about probiotics. Is that ok?
-This program is designed to break things down to what is actually useful and as much as I like geeking out I’m not interested in overcomplicating matters
I don’t have a practice. Can I use this information to help my family?
-Yes. I use this information and hope that you will use this information to take charge of your family’s digestive health.