Music Mantras
This is part two of our four-part series on depression and practical solutions for every day. For information about digestion and depression please click here and read the section titled Dealing with the Downs. Over the next two weeks we will touch on physical activity, depression and nutrition.
This week we are doing something very special as I let you into my living room with three of my friends for an intimate musical session. I show you how you can write a song to carry with you through the day and help you through life’s difficult moments. This is something that I do very rarely for my cherished clients and would like you to have the skills to do this for yourself too. Be warned this is a long one. I wanted to show the thought processes behind the songs and just how quickly you can come up with something life changing for yourself. Grab yourself a cup of tea and take some time for you with this one. I just watched the whole thing and I have to say I feel happy. Let me know if it works for you too!