Do you ever wonder if you are sensitive to gluten? Many people with chronic health conditions can be. In some studies, people suffering from autoimmunity tested for gluten sensitivity were 70% or more positive. That is enough alone to argue that testing for anyone dealing with chronic challenges is important. Of course there is nothing like an elimination diet to identify food sensitivity. For gluten this can be very difficult as it can be found in supplements, processed foods, misleadingly named ingredients etc. and can be challenging to eliminate completely. Even a small amount of gluten can cause immune reactions for up to six months in anyone with an allergy OR sensitivity. This means an elimination diet for gluten would have to be followed very carefully for a very long time and then gluten would have to be re-introduced carefully in order to determine anything in this way. Since the recording of this video I have started using the Vibrant Wellness Wheat Zoomer because it tests for multiple peptides in wheat, not just the gluten. If you would like to discuss this 1-1 please get in contact HERE