3 Made Up Eating “Disorders”

Totally made up stuff, not serious article…

We have been on the path to health for some time now.  You have conquered many demons and reached for personal and physical health and development at every opportunity, as have I.  You welcome the challenges of life and do not like to numb yourself with empty calories or mindless entertainment.  You have the courage to see yourself and how powerful, gorgeous and beautifully flawed you are and work through whatever stands between you and optimal health whether it is a food or a mindset…  My point is you work on yourself and food is just one of the ways that you do.  And then someone accuses you of having unhealthy eating habits or even an eating disorder because you are not ascribing to the “everything in moderation” theory or because you are not following a mainstream plan.

This is probably not the best time to get into an ethical or culinary debate with family or friends.  Try to remember that the greatest of visionaries were ridiculed before their ideas were eventually adopted.  Washing hands before surgeries and the earth being spherical come to mind…  Please consider you may have “seen the light” and freed yourself from the following three totally mainstream (and TOTALLY made up) eating disorders but the rest of the world, has not YET.  A little inside joking for us to lighten the load, please do not take seriously.

Warning:  do not read this article unless you consider yourself radical and way outside of the mainstream in diet and lifestyle.

Totally made up eating disorder #1:

Escanonymous Nervosa:  This disorder is characterized by the eater having absolutely no desire to know where their food comes from.  The eater may believe that food comes from factories or stores or more likely is not aware of a thought of the origin of their food.  Commonly the eater chooses food out of convenience and often eats while engaging in other activities such as walking, driving, working or playing games.  They may think “it’s only food”.

Escanonymous Nervosa  does not refer to the billions of people living in conditions that prevent them from having access to clean food, water and education and prevent them from being able to make ANY choices, let alone healthy ones.

The eater suffering from Escanonymous Nervosa may or may not be aware that there are chemicals in food which can affect their endocrine, immune, nervous and digestive systems.  The eater may also not be aware of the human body’s basic nutritional needs and will often have no interest in meeting their own basic needs.  This eater sees no relation between food, our most prevalent environmental exposure and immune trigger, and their health.  This eater is at risk for deficiencies, allergies, obesity and other “first world diseases” and seeks reduction in symptoms at the doctor’s office.  This type of eater does not like to sit in the drivers’ seat of their health but would rather be in the back seat eating a pizza.  The greatest challenges for those suffering from Escanonymous Nervosa are acceptance of the implications of food having an effect on health and acceptance of the often gruesome truth about many foods’ origins.

Totally made up eating disorder #2:

Cruciomorsus:  This disorder is characterized by the eater continuing to habitually consume foods that they are aware make them feel sick.  Many people will admit to having symptoms after eating at least one food.  What distinguishes this eater is their unwillingness to remove the offending food, whatever it may be for them, regardless of experiencing overt symptoms.  This does not refer to the billions of individuals who do not have access to alternatives, living in subsistence and servitude.

Cruciomorsus refers, for example, to the person who knows that when they drink beer or eat cake they get a splitting headache but does not find that to be a good enough reason to stop.  Underlying this condition is often a deep sadness and lack of self esteem or self efficacy where the sufferer does not believe that they either can nor deserve to improve their situation by making a different choice.  Persons suffering from Cruciomorsus are at risk of triggering more chronic digestive or immune conditions as they are already experiencing symptoms.  Their greatest challenge is in recognizing their worth and having the courage to choose something for themselves that they perceive to be outside of mainstream acceptance, perhaps inconveniencing others in the process.

Totally made up eating disorder #3:

Nutriomammalia Nervosa:  This disorder is characterized by the eater being addicted to drinking the hormonal secretions of other mammals.  Some examples of this are humans drinking the breast milk of sheep or cows.  This does not refer to individuals whose most efficient way of extracting nutrients from a barren landscape is the culturing of yak milk, for example.  Nutriomammalia Nervosa refers to individuals who have been weaned off of the breast milk of their own mother, live in the western world and have many choices available for nutrient consumption.  The person suffering from Nutriomammalia Nervosa may be under the mistaken impression that they “need” to drink the milk of other mammals to survive and most likely does not realize the ludicrousity of this situation.  Unfortunately many people who suffer from Nutriomammalia Nervosa are the victims of food addiction and insidious marketing.  They may even believe brown cows make chocolate milk.  Like any addict or accused they will defend their position vehemently until they recognize the problem and then may require much support to recover from this lifelong habit.

Please keep in mind that these are totally invented eating disorders designed to point out that normalcy is in the eye of the beholder.

If you or someone you know is suffering from any type of actual eating disorder I implore you to secure help as soon as you can and if you have any comments as usual please post them below.  This means anything where food or the focus on food or the lack thereof is detracting from your quality of life rather than adding to it.  You are a champion for your health and a better world.  Don’t let anyone tell you different.

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Bringing Balance

It is possible to be healthy and eat a balanced diet no matter what your choices are.  Yep that’s right, that’s what I think.  No matter what.  For example it is not necessary to eat meat or to be vegan to be balanced.  Peoples from all over the world used to eat in a balanced way according to their environment and inner and outer geography.  Some still do.  However eating a limited number of foods, a diet of only tomatoes for example, will be out of balance no matter what. Today we deal with the topic of being accused of being out of balance just because your diet may not include some of the foods that standard diets typically include at this point. Fear not, you can leave out whatever you’d like and still be in balance. Watch this week’s video to find out how.

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When Eating is Out of Order

Orthorexia Nervosa…  Have you heard of it?  Have you been touched by this or by other eating disorders?  The sad reality of modern life is that most women know someone closely who has been touched by an eating disorder of some type.  The difference between the more familiar Anorexia and Bulimia and the proposed “Orthorexia” is in the focus on the healthfulness rather than the quantities of foods.  Mental illness of some type will touch each of us during our time on the planet.  The good news is that we are more and more open to learning and invisible illnesses are less stigmatized than they used to be.

The bad news is that through a combination of denial, marketing and miseducation mental illness has become one more way to sell drugs, to disconnect from one another and to evade root cause health care.  Orthorexia Nervosa is still under pretty hot debate and may or may not be a “real” eating disorder but the media has certainly glommed onto it and is using it as an excuse for each of us to go out and eat cheeseburgers.  What a terrible disservice to those of us that actually need help let alone those of us who are dealing with chronic health challenges which are so interconnected with mental and emotional symptoms.

Good old Wikipedia defines Orthorexia Nervosa as “a proposed eating disorder or mental disorder characterized by an extreme or excessive preoccupation with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy.”  I have seen people in situations that could fit this profile regardless of what they were eating.  Raw vegan, paleo, “moderation”, high carb, low carb, standard American, it doesn’t matter.  Hyper-vigilance can get in the way of leading a normal life.  IF this is a real disorder it is my belief that it can not be assessed by looking at what a person chooses to eat and not to eat.  In other words just because someone is on a fruitarian or a low carb or a gluten free/dairy free/nut free/sodium free/egg free/meat free/you get the point diet… it doesn’t mean they have a mental illness.

We may all operate on a continuum between health and disorder in many aspects of our lives.  I personally believe that when eating is OUT of order it becomes a DISorder.  When is eating out of order?  When is eating IN order?  Eating is IN order when the foods that we eat nourish us, meet our basic needs, allow us to participate in physical activity without injury and allow us to grow and develop, learn, and adapt to new situations.  Eating is out of order when it does not meet those requirements.  Eating is out of order when it interferes with us having healthy lives including work, relationships, family and interpersonal reflection.  Eating is out of order psychologically when it does not meet those requirements AND the focus on food interferes with relationships, employment, safety or emotional/physical health.

Unhealthy eating might interfere with relationships when a person chooses to stay home rather than attend any family functions or events with friends because they do not want to face the obstacle of eating in these situations.  This IS NOT when you go to the family dinner and you choose not to eat the things with dairy and your great Aunt gets her feelings hurt because you don’t eat her potato salad.  Sorry.  Not an eating disorder.  Just a nice lady who thinks you’re weird.  And you having boundaries about how you treat your body.

Unhealthy eating might interfere with employment when a person eats too little, gets light headed and cannot complete tasks or when their diet makes them ill and they cannot meet their commitment to show up on time or when they decide every day to walk 10 miles at lunch to buy a juice and it makes them late every afternoon and they get fired.  This IS NOT when you bring cauliflower tabouli to work or even out to lunch and your co-workers think you’re weird.  That’s just a bunch of people who think cauliflower tabouli is weird.  Again not an eating disorder.  You get the picture.  When people think you eat weird or even if they accuse you of your diet being a religion or use other defensive or aggressive language this does not mean you have an eating disorder.

Eating disorders are often present when food becomes more than food in some way or when the focus on the food or lack thereof becomes an obsession.  For example when the avoidance of eating consumes a person to the point where they withdraw from social events and succumb to illness then the avoidance of food has become so important that it has taken over their lives.  Another example is that when food is used as a reward or punishment is has become more than what it should be.  I had a babysitter once who ate an entire year’s worth of my son’s halloween candy in one evening.  Good for us because we couldn’t figure out what to do with a bag of candy but honestly bad for her.  She was obviously not eating this huge bag of candy to nourish herself within reason.  I implore you to look into getting help (WE ALL NEED HELP) when food or the lack of food reduces rather than enhances your quality of life.

As we continue to ask questions, push the boundaries and take our knowledge of how to feed ourselves and extract nutrients from the environment further we will continue to be on the fringes of society and what they are eating.  It is going to be very important for each of us to assess when our eating is unhealthy or when our eating is just different from what other people are eating.  Diagnosing someone as having Orthorexia Nervosa because they are on a special diet is no different than thinking someone is bulimic because they are thin.  Being thin is not a disorder and neither is eating kale.

My problem with the media surrounding this issue is this:  They seem to think that in order to “resolve” this disorder (if indeed it makes sense to call it a disorder) one must adhere to a strict diet of moderation/normal.  One must, in a sense, lighten up.  The issue is not in the kale but in the consumer.  The issue is mental health, not the food in and of itself.  We must focus on that.  And we must support each other.  What might cause undue stress for one may cause none for someone else.  It’s an inside job.  I can eat kale all day and it doesn’t stress me out.  I don’t think about kale constantly, just when I am hungry.  What about you?

Food is nutritional and certainly enjoyable in the moment and no more or less than that.  The moment of enjoyment should not be prioritized over the health of a lifetime.  That is an imbalance that can border on self-abuse.  I’m not stressed bringing my own salad to the party or making a dip at someone’s house for my cucumbers.  That doesn’t stress me out and moreover it doesn’t interfere with my relationships, my work or my emotional well being.  Discomfort in my relationships around my choices resolves from poor communication rather than from how I choose to treat myself and how I am developing strong boundaries around my self care.  Eating disorders must be resolved by looking at the root cause, not by looking at how food is being viewed (the symptom).  Root causes of mental illness are varied and complex and require the help of professionals.  They can not be resolved by a trip to McDonalds.

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Respiratory Recovery

I am excited to be heading out on my fourth trip since Christmas, this time to somewhere warmer! I will be visiting Austin Texas for the Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner’s Retreat…. but there is a problem. I have not recovered from the respiratory virus I picked up on my last trip and I should KNOW better. I know exactly what I COULD have done to ward off this cold and what I COULD do right now to help my recovery. Since I have failed to take my own advice up to this point I have created a video where I give myself some tough love. Watch this video also for some very effective cold remedies that you can find even in the middle of nowhere or in your host’s cupboard when you are not in control of your environment. Enjoy and stay healthy!

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Compostable Packaging Challenges

When we started our non-dairy yogurt company we wanted to have close to zero water waste in our production, all organic non-GMO ingredients, totally compostable packaging and high enough wages for our partners and staff that they could afford to eat organic foods themselves.  Sound a little idyllic?  Yes well I’ve always been more interested in saving the world than in actually making yogurt it’s no secret…

The water filtration and recycling were easy enough considering that at first the officials were totally against it.  We use a double jacketed stainless steel tank to heat and cool the yogurt enabling us to maintain the perfect incubation temperature.  The water in the jacket of that machine is now recycled so that we don’t have to just leave the tap on and dump the water down the drain which unfortunately is standard operating procedure in food production.  This was apparent in the fact that the inspectors had never seen a water recycling system like this.  While we were frustrated it was easy enough to prove to them that the system was safe and we were able to have a small victory there.  Victory #1.  Yay!

Organic and non-GMO ingredients have always been a priority for me as long as I can remember.  I have been interested in organics since I was a child and have watched them become more and more popular.  I feel like we are almost at some kind of critical mass where we can really make change by choosing to purchase organic produce.. but I digress.  It was easy to find organic, gluten free, peanut free, soy-free and GMO-free suppliers for all of our ingredients.  The world is changing and there are options.  Victory #2.

As for the wages for the staff (ahem ourselves) we are still working on that.  We are on the verge of a breakthrough.  Hopefully when we are ready to hire someone we will be able to hold to this standard because it is so important to us that people who are working to create beautiful healthy products end up with an appropriate living wage so that they can actually afford the quality of life promoted by the company that they work for.

We began a search for compostable packaging.  I became excited by all of the innovations in packaging design.  There were bottles made out of recycled cardboard and take-out containers made out of pressed bamboo.  Many containers were compostable and this excited me.  Options for compostable packaging used to be quite limited without much excitement or great design but suddenly there were beautiful shapes and colours and more and more options all the time.  I became excited.  Most of the new options were not useable for a refrigerated wet food like yogurt but there were compostable clear plastic containers which looked quite nice.  We sourced special machinery that would not overheat the packaging because the compostable material is more heat sensitive than regular plastics.  We planned out how we would produce and package the yogurt with those packages for optimal health and efficiency.

One day I sat down to think about compostable packaging and what it was made out of.  Corn.  What do we know about corn?  We know that unless it is certified organic or certified non-GMO then it almost definitely IS GMO (backyards and other random exceptions noted).  I knew that it was imperative to the packaging industry to produce their products as cheaply as possible.  This was when I realized that I was holding a product of GMO corn.  Oh no!!!  A few phone calls followed by a paranoid google search revealed that I was right.  In Europe it is possible to purchase non-GMO compostable packaging but compostable packaging in North America is most likely made from GMO corn.  In my opinion it is totally all made of GMO corn who are we kidding here?  I am not sure about other continents or countries so if non-GMO compostable packaging for liquids like a yogurt exists in your country I want to know about it.

So who cares?  We’re not eating it anyway.  It’s just the packaging.  I did consider this perspective but it didn’t seem right to me.  I don’t usually think in black/white right/wrong BUT if I were to choose one issue that I feel strongly enough about to make blanket generalizations about it would be GMO foods and other GMO crops.  I do not think we should be producing genetically engineered crops to feed to other animals, to ourselves or to package our foods in.  Why?  Because of food security for the next generation and for people in developing nations where the subsistence crops are being replaced by genetically engineered mono-crops and poverty and malnourishment ensue.  For me the human rights issues and the rights to food are more important than my personal health.  What are your reasons?

So I held up two containers, one in either hand, one supporting Big Oil and one supporting GMO corn.  Not a good choice.  I sat holding those containers for a year (figuratively… I did a few other things that year).  I eventually decided I would rather support Big Oil than Big Bad Food.  What would you have decided?

Because this topic is so very close to my heart I would love to hear your comments in the comments box below.  Thank you!  For more information about GMO foods in particular check out the Bought movie here

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